Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Demographic Profile of DREAMers: A Closer Look

The Immigration Policy Center (IPC) has released a demographic profile of immigrants who stand to benefit from the Obama Administration's deferred action plan that was announced in June, 2012. According to the IPC, "...approximately 1.4 million immigrants currently in the United States who might meet the requirements of the deferred action initiative, either now or when they are older." The deferred action plan allows individuals to obtain "a two-year, renewable reprieve from deportation to unauthorized immigrants who are under the age of 31; entered the United States before age 16; have lived continuously in the country for at least five years; have not been convicted of a felony, a 'significant' misdemeanor, or three other misdemeanors; and are currently in school, graduated from high school, earned a GED, or served in the military." Contact our attorneys at Glickman Turley LLP to schedule a consultation in order to apply for the deferred action initiative. 

For more on the IPC profile, click here

Glickman Turley's experienced attorneys represent individuals on a wide range of immigration matters, as well as other legal issues. Please contact our attorneys if you wish to discuss representation on immigration mattersreal estate purchase and salescondominium associationscriminal defensenon-profit law, civil litigation, business litigationbusiness law, trademark law, probate matters including wills, powers of attorney, health care proxy, same-sex co-parent adoptionsguardianshipsanimal law, or LGBT legal matters