Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Condominium Wins Lawsuit Against Developer for Faulty Work

In what will be good news to condominium associations, the Appeals Court today held that a condominium unit owners' association may recover damages  from a builder for negligent design or construction of common area property where damages are reasonably determinable, where the association otherwise lacks a remedy, and where the association acts within the time allowed by the applicable statute of limitations.  Wyman v. Ayer Properties , LLC, Mass. Appeals Court Docket No. 11-P-1046.  The case involved a builder who renovated an old mill building in Lowell and there were leaks in the roof, windows and masonry.  This case effectively gives condominium trustees the right to sue for damages to the common areas.  It could also extend what was a one year warranty for new construction to three years, and be interpreted to add the option to recover damages for renovations (as opposed to new construction).  Glickman Turley LLP represents condominium trustees and unit owners in litigation, and we welcome this decision.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

"United We Dream"

"United We Dream"

United We Dream ( held its annual congress to celebrate its recent gains in helping young people who live in the United States without documentation.  The group cited the recent Obama administration program of deferred action for young educated immigrants to remain in the United States without fear of deportation and recent laws in California and Maryland expanding access to state colleges and universities.   United We Dream will be very active in supporting comprehensive immigration reform promised by the President and members of Congress.

For representation on immigration matters, please contact Glickman Turley LLP at 617-399-7770.

Glickman Turley's experienced attorneys represent individuals on a wide range of immigration matters, as well as other legal issues. Please contact our attorneys if you wish to discuss representation on immigration mattersreal estate purchase and salescondominium associationscriminal defensenon-profit law, civil litigation, business litigationbusiness law, trademark law, probate matters including wills, powers of attorney, health care proxy, same-sex co-parent adoptionsguardianshipsanimal law, or LGBT legal matters.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Operating Under the Influence conviction reversed  

The Supreme Judicial Court affirmed that a Judge may not instruct a jury that a defendant in an OUI (Operating Under the Influence) charge does not have to take a breathalyzer test.   The jury instruction was ruled a violation of defendant's constitutional rights under the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution and the conviction was reversed.   (Commonwealth v. Gibson, November 29, 2012).

For representation on OUI charges, please contact Glickman Turley LLP at 617-399-7770.

Glickman Turley's experienced attorneys represent individuals on a wide range of criminal matters, as well as other legal issues. Please contact our attorneys if you wish to discuss representation on immigration mattersreal estate purchase and salescondominium associationscriminal defensenon-profit law, civil litigation, business litigationbusiness law, trademark law, probate matters including wills, powers of attorney, health care proxy, same-sex co-parent adoptionsguardianshipsanimal law, or LGBT legal matters.

Immigration Reform Proposed by Hispanic Caucus

The Congressional Hispanic Caucus has proposed comprehensive immigration reform.  The proposed legislation includes a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, more visas for highly skilled math and science workers, a guest worker program and immigrant verification and enforcement.  Both Democrats and Republicans state that they are interested in passing immigration reform next year.

For representation on immigration matters, please contact Glickman Turley LLP at 617-399-7770.

Glickman Turley's experienced attorneys represent individuals on a wide range of immigration matters, as well as other legal issues. Please contact our attorneys if you wish to discuss representation on immigration mattersreal estate purchase and salescondominium associationscriminal defensenon-profit law, civil litigation, business litigationbusiness law, trademark law, probate matters including wills, powers of attorney, health care proxy, same-sex co-parent adoptionsguardianshipsanimal law, or LGBT legal matters.

Prosecutorial discretion may be extended to family

Prosecutorial discretion may be extended to family

In an unusual decision, the First Circuit Court of Appeals stayed the deportation of a 21 year old Armenian and his parents for 90 days to allow the Department of Homeland Security to consider their request for deferred action to remain in the United States as an exercise of prosecutorial discretion.  The Court noted that the son appeared to meet the criteria for prosectorial discretion set forth by DHS in the Morton memorandum and that while the parents did not strictly meet these criteria, the Government "may well wish to avoid splitting up the family by declining to remove them as well."  Gasparian v. Holder (No. 11-2231, First Circuit Court of Appeals, December 3, 2012.)

For representation on immigration matters, please contact Glickman Turley LLP at 617-399-7770.

Glickman Turley's experienced attorneys represent individuals on a wide range of immigration matters, as well as other legal issues. Please contact our attorneys if you wish to discuss representation on immigration mattersreal estate purchase and salescondominium associationscriminal defensenon-profit law, civil litigation, business litigationbusiness law, trademark law, probate matters including wills, powers of attorney, health care proxy, same-sex co-parent adoptionsguardianshipsanimal law, or LGBT legal matters.