Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Same Sex Parent Adoption Post DOMA
Will same sex married couples in Massachusetts still need to file an adoption petition even though both parents are on the original birth certificate? How risk adverse are the parents? The Supreme Court today did not strike down Section 2 of DOMA, which allows States to refuse to recognize same-sex marriages performed under the laws of other States. See 28 U. S. C. §1738C. Therefore, if you are named in your child's birth certificate because you were married in Massachusetts at the time of birth, there is still no prohibition against other states determining that since your parentage was based on a marriage status that it does not recognize, it will not recognize your status as a parent. Or, what if you divorce and the biological parent moves to a state that does not recognize same sex marriage and tries to revoke the rights of the non-biological parent. Remote? Sure it is. We will see how this plays out. Co-parents contemplating travel or a move to a state that does not recognize gay marriage - beware! Call Glickman Turley at 617.399.7770 for more information or to start your co-parent adoption petition.