Russia appears poised to expressly
deny adoptions of Russian children by same-sex foreign couples. The measure is in a parliamentary committee,
and has the support of President Vladimir Putin. All Americans, regardless of sexualorientation, are barred from adoption in Russia, a 2012 retaliatory gesture
after the US imposed sanctions on Russia for human rights abuses.
France and New Zealand passed
same-sex marriage measures this week, as well as the Senate of the US state of Rhode
Island, where final approval is imminent.
Rhode Island will mark the 10th US state to approve marriage
equality, and the last of all six New England states.
While same-sex couples can enjoy certain
rights in ten US states and the District of Columbia, there still remain
inequalities at the federal level. LGBT
advocates in the US are anticipating a ruling on two cases before the US
Supreme Court (Hollingsworth v. Perry and Windsor v. United States) which are direct challenges to the
Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA.)
Should DOMA be overturned, Glickman Turley looks forward to assisting
bi-national same-sex married couples in negotiating equal access to immigration laws. We also look forward to the day when our
services for same-sex, co-parent adoption are no longer necessary.