Every day, ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) devotes more resources to arresting and deporting immigrants (aka aliens) with criminal records and convictions. Some immigrants with criminal convictions (including some crimes involving moral turpitude) have defenses to deportation/removal. Others, such as those convicted of aggravated felonies, have little or no relief, except protection under the convention against torture. Even "green card holders" (lawful permament residents) can be deported for criminal convictions. See a recent Boston Globe article about 111 arrests of "criminal aliens" in New England.
If you are an immigrant and have criminanl convictions or arrests, our attorneys can review your record and help you understand whether you are deportable/removable, and if so, what if any defenses to deportation you may have.
Glickman Turley's experienced attorneys represent individuals on a wide range of immigration matters, as well as other legal issues. Please contact our attorneys if you wish to discuss representation on immigration matters, real estate purchase and sales, condominium associations, criminal defense, non-profit law, civil litigation, business litigation, business law, probate matters including wills, powers of attorney, health care proxy, same-sex parent adoptions, guardianships, animal law, or LGBT legal matters.