Friday, March 21, 2014

Getting to our office: Government Center Station closed

For our prospective and current clients who take public transit to get to our office:

Please note that the Government Center T station will be closed starting tomorrow. For more information on the Government Center station closing, please click here. You can still get to our office easily using the Haymarket station on the Orange or Green T lines, or the State Street station on the Orange or Blue T lines, or the Aquarium station on the blue line. All these are within a few blocks of our office. Here is a map:

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Firm News

Glickman Turley successfully argued a criminal motion to dismiss a charge of open and lewd grossness and lascivious behavior, a sex offender registry crime, before the Boston Municipal Court.  The charge was dismissed and the minor remaining charges were dismissed with pre-trial probation.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Obama considers relief for undocumented residents with children

President Obama announced that he has instructed the Department of Homeland Security to review deportation policy to see if it can be made more humane.  One possibility would be to suspend deportation of undocumented residents who have children whom were brought to the United States when they were very young. Senator Robert Menendez called on President Obama to "halt needless deportations that are splitting apart our families and communities."  Other advocates urged the President to slow the record number of deportations and halt the need to place children whose parents have been deported in foster care.

For more information, read